Get Up High

Get up high. Whether it be as you land in this new country you’re now in, descending through the clouds, a tower, a rooftop, ferris wheel or the minaret of a mosque. Get yourself up high as soon and as often as you are able.


See the city spread out below you like a play town. On ground level the city might overwhelm you; be serious and sinister; too great to grapple with. While you are just one small person in a bustling city on the ground, up high you can see it as a whole, as a big picture. Get vision for why you’re here.


Get up high and let your compassion be stirred. You may be able to take in a few districts with your gaze – God sees all the nations laid out before him in the palm of his hand. And yet he knows each individual in this city and his heart for them and their redemption is more than yours will ever be. You’ll never know all the people in this city, nor know any of them fully. But let your heart get caught up with God’s heart for this place you live. Be encouraged that what seems impossible to man, is so easy for God.

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